past two decades have been all about the BRICS: a group of five
countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) that soared
to economic superstardom and gradually won geopolitical influence. But
now, with their economies slowing down, those days seem to be over.
What’s more, by some measures, the BRICS have squandered their years of
plenty. Even as they poured money into building dynamic economies and
becoming global leaders, they neglected to invest in their own
populations. As a result, they are less far down the development road
than many would have expected.
Nothing demonstrates the problem more clearly than a group of
economies that have avoided it entirely. Mexico, Colombia, and Singapore
have invested more in economic and social welfare than in becoming
global leaders. As a result, these smaller economies seem to be doing
better in some areas than the BRICS.
By now, the story of the BRICS’ rise is familiar. Speedy development
led to booming GDPs, per-capita incomes, foreign direct investment, and
exports. The BRICS became less dependent
on foreign aid and earned themselves seats at the geopolitical grown-up table, where they were expected to play
grown-up roles in geopolitics.
The BRICS’ leaders took to their new roles with aplomb. Luiz Inácio
Lula da Silva, Brazil’s president between 2003 and 2010, for example,
gave lectures at the United Nations and at African summits on how to
reduce poverty and
prevent and treat AIDS. For his part, Russian leader Vladimir Putin has served up advice on everything from national security to
regional economic development in Asia. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has brought stern leadership to the promotion of a
liberal global trade order,
and his government has signed bilateral trade agreements with
Bangladesh, China, South Korea, and Nepal. China, too, has been more
proactive than usual in providing economic advice to all those who will
listen. Chinese leader Xi Jinping has even gone so far as to suggest and
help fund the creation of a
new Asian Infrastructure Development Bank.
And South African presidents from Thabo Mbeki to Jacob Zuma have been
proactive about promoting regional institutions such as the
African Union’s Peace and Security Council, which was established in 2003 to help end conflict, ensure security, and protect national sovereignty.
The BRICS have also strived to become global leaders in foreign aid
assistance. At a 2013 summit in Durban, they agreed to create the
BRICS Development Bank.
With a fund of around $100 billion, the BDB provides grants and loans
for finance and infrastructure development in developing nations, with
few conditions attached. Beyond the BDB, the BRICS have also helped fund
hundreds of multilateral
economic development initiatives,
IMF projects,
and multilateral health efforts, such as the Global Fund to Fight
HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. Russia leads the pack, providing
the fund with an estimated
$297 million in 2012, followed by China at $25 million, South Africa at $10.3 million, and India at $10 million.
As the BRICS’ economies grew and their donations increased, so did
the international financial community’s efforts to get them to give
more. In 2011, for example, the IMF approached Brazilian President Dilma
Rousseff for
financial assistance for Greece and Portugal. Brazil
agreed to donate $10 billion. After that, the IMF asked the BRICS group to provide more funding to help boost IMF reserves and potentially to
aid Europe.
The BRICS’ focus on becoming global leaders has come at a price. They
have paid less attention to domestic policy -- especially health and
education policy, which, because of the BRICS’ large sizes, are usually
handled by local governments with limited oversight. Now, facing
economic slowdown, the BRICS are facing neglected populations as well.
Before it was a BRIC, Brazil was mired in deep economic crisis. Its
quick recovery surprised many, but it has made little progress on human
development since then. A case in point is its failure to build an
equitable and effective health-care system. Nearly 70 percent of the
population is dependent on its universal health-care system, called SUS,
but government funding for it
has been minimal.
The federal government has also neglected to help local governments
manage SUS hospitals and has provided little cash for basic necessities,
such as beds and x-ray machines, health-care workers, and medicine. As a
result, in 2012, an estimated 40 percent of the population
lacked access to essential medicine.
The government’s education policies have been just as lackluster.
Local governments, which have been given responsibility for basic
education, have not been able to adequately invest in primary and
secondary schools. There has been little effort to regulate teaching
qualifications or to provide sufficient training, and so the overall
quality of teaching has declined. Today, over 10 percent of the
population is illiterate. Even with Rousseff’s recent commitment to
increasing funding for education, some worry that Brazil’s labor force
will soon
lack the technical skills needed to run the country’s economy.
In the face of all these challenges, civil society has
become increasingly angry that its government is focusing on giving foreign aid when need at home is so great.
Russia, meanwhile, has its own health-care demons. Although the
government provides universal health insurance, government expenditure
for health has decreased from 7.1 percent of GDP in 1997 to 6.2 percent
in 2011. And last January, the Putin administration decided to
reduce the federal health-care budget still further. The reason:
increased military spending. Yet citizens already lack
access to essential medicines, and doctors often
require bribes in exchange for care. (That might be due to doctors’ measly salaries of
a month.) It should not be surprising that Russian health remains poor.
Adult life expectancy is well below the OECD average, at 64 years for
men and 76 for women. Heart disease and cancer are on the rise, as are
HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis.
Moscow has also failed to invest in education. Grand pronouncements
of new funding schemes are more government PR than sustainable
development. Although federal spending for education has
gradually increased,
the Putin administration decided to reduce it. Once again, the cuts
were made in the name of military spending. Russia should have other
priorities. Unless the
quality of Russian education
improves; unless teachers encourage students to major in important
subjects, such as mathematics (a small minority of college freshman plan
to do so); and unless universities train students to work within the
global economy, Russia may see its
workforce competitiveness decline. Coming on top of an overall population decline, that is a scary prospect.
As in Brazil, Russian civil society has become increasingly
disheartened with the government’s ongoing focus on providing foreign
aid. In a
2010 Levada Center opinion survey,
for example, 66 percent of Russians believed that, due to ongoing
domestic needs and economic challenges, the government was not in a
position to be increasing foreign aid; 82 percent believed that Russia
should be more concerned with its domestic problems than with providing
aid abroad.
In India, too, human development has been an afterthought. India spends about
1.2 percent of its GDP on health care.
Federal spending for hospital infrastructure has declined, and
approximately 69 percent of the country’s Primary Health Centres,
state-owned clinics for general health care and minor surgeries, have
only one bed. Consequently, most citizens have either paid for
health-care services out of pocket or have purchased private health
insurance. Despite being one of the world’s largest producers and
exporters of generic medications, Indians have
less access to essential medicines than nearly every other nationality.
Education policy had also been lacking. Government spending
marginally increased from 10 percent of total government expenditure in
2009 to
11 percent in 2011. Yet the increased spending has not kept up with growing local demand. Schools often lack adequate infrastructure,
such as desks and chalkboards. Approximately 89 percent of schools having no toilets and
59 percent are without drinking water.
There is a dearth of qualified teachers and only a quarter of teachers
in public schools show up for work on a regular basis. Adult literacy is
still low, reaching only
73 percent in 2011, and approximately
70 percent of the population lacks any education beyond primary schooling.
Because of these challenges, the government has had a difficult time
mustering political will for increasing foreign assistance. But it
nevertheless wants to use foreign aid to bolster its image as a world
power. Meanwhile, the government has even decided to refrain from
receiving any more foreign assistance from the British government,
notwithstanding increased poverty rates and inequality.
China’s failures are similar. It has no universal health-care system.
It wasn’t until 1998 that the government even began to provide
subsidized health insurance for urban residents through the
Urban Employees’ Basic Medical Insurance system.
Rural residents got their own program in 2003. Those programs were
complemented in 2007 with the Urban Residents’ Basic Medical Insurance
program, which covers the unemployed, students, and retirees. Overall,
government spending on health care has more than doubled in recent
years, from
$156 billion in 2006 to $357 billion in 2011.
That doesn’t mean that the government has been providing adequate
health care, though. In state-run hospitals, there is an increasing
shortage of general practitioners for primary health care. There is
often a long waiting period for medical attention, and rural residents
often lack access to the same medical technology, beds, and equipment as
China’s education policies are somewhat more promising, however. In 2012, the government finally reached its goal of spending
four percent of GDP on public education.
In 2013, moreover, the central government waived school enrollment fees
for poor children, and federal grants continue to help poor children
obtain scholarships to good schools. Nevertheless, major challenges
remain. There is still an urban-rural divide in access to quality public
schools. And families are often forced to spend out of pocket for
private education, which has
increased inequality in access to education.
Some Chinese officials are miffed that party leaders are focusing so
much on helping other nations overcome their health and education
challenges. Recently, for example,
senior health officials admitted that China needs to focus on its domestic problems before trying to solve the world’s problems.
Like in its BRICS counterparts, in South Africa, federal spending for
health care has increased over the years. That, in part, reflects the
government’s commitment in 2009 to implement universal health insurance.
But there has been no matching effort to ensure that public hospitals
sufficient medical equipment and adequate personnel. Aaron Motsoaledi, the country’s health minister, stated that the quality of public health care is “
often totally unacceptable.”
Like in health care, South Africa has continued to increase the federal budget for education, bringing spending up to about
nearly 18 percent of government spending,
one of the highest rates in the world. Yet due to corruption and
mismanagement, the money has amounted to naught. In 2011, 3,544 out of
24,793 public schools
had no electricity;
2,402 no water; and 19,037 no computer centers. Today, the World
Economic Forum ranks South Africa’s student performance in math second
to last in the world. Although university enrollment rates have
increased from
74,000 in 1994 to 127,000 in 2007, there is a 45 percent drop out rate. Skilled labor supply is thus in short supply.
Like South Africa’s BRICS counterparts, the government has had
a hard time scaling up its foreign aid
while domestic health and education problems linger -- as well as
unemployment, an ongoing shortage of human resources, and crime. South
African citizens have become increasingly
concerned with sending foreign assistance to other nations when there are so many needs at home.
Not all the world’s emerging economies have fared so poorly. Some,
including Colombia, Mexico, and Singapore have locked in persistently
high levels of economic growth and have made strategic investments in
health and education. They have been able to do so because they have not
aspired to become global leaders. Colombia, for example, has refrained
from trying to shape international policy. In its ongoing efforts to
curtail the influence of terrorist guerilla armed forces and drug
trafficking, the government has focused on
internal and regional security cooperation,
along with strengthening the economy, increasing employment, and
curtailing poverty. Mexico has likewise been reluctant to join in
international policymaking, a stance that has
a rather long tradition there. Although Mexico’s growing economic power certainly could provide it greater hand in
international financial and environmental policy,
the government, like Colombia’s, has instead focused on strengthening
its economy and infrastructure, and suppressing ongoing drug wars and
violence. Likewise, although Singapore has participated in UN and other
efforts to promote
peaceful international cooperation,
it has refrained from following in the BRICS’ footsteps and providing
international policy advice and influence at international venues.
Most tellingly, all these countries have avoided providing a
substantial amount of development aid. Colombia gives very little by way
of multilateral and bilateral assistance. For example, last year it
provided almost $8 million dollars to multilateral food programs. In 2011, Mexico’s government created the
Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation,
which provides funding for approximately 341 projects region-wide in
the areas of education, economic development, culture, and scientific
and technical assistance. Singapore has only a very small bilateral
program, the
Singapore Cooperation Programme,
which provides limited funding and technical and training support to
countries in the Asia-Pacific Region. Although it could afford to give
more, it doesn’t
In general, moreover, agencies such as the IMF and the World Bank
have never expected these four countries to play a donor role. Mexico is
perhaps the only exception, when, in 2012 the IMF asked for and
received Mexico’s assistance in providing funds in order to help contain
Europe’s debt crisis.
Because of this, it seems that Colombia, Mexico, and Singapore have
been able to focus more on domestic policy -- an easier feat for each,
to be sure, since they are much smaller and not nearly as decentralized
as the BRICS.
Between 1995 and 2010, for example, Colombia has increased health care spending from
7.34 percent of GDP to 7.59 percent.
This will likely eventually prove unsustainable, especially if there is
an economic downturn. But, for now, Colombia has a very generous health
system. Today, approximately 96 percent of the population
has health insurance. The number of state-owned hospitals increased from
4,466 in 2004 to 4,602 in 2009, and the number of beds for intensive care increased from 4,985 to 9,294. The number of physicians increased from
0.96 per 1,000 residents in 1990 to 1.47 per 1,000 in 2010. And finally, access to essential medicines has
for both chronic conditions and communicable diseases, such as AIDS.
Although challenges remain, including the overall quality of health care
services (especially in rural areas) and the financial sustainability
of the system, these policy efforts have led to a sizeable
reduction in health care inequality.
Colombia has also made noticeable improvements in education. It has increased spending on education from
1.73 percent of GDP
in 1980 to 4.5 percent of GDP in 2011. In 2011, it allocated an
additional $513 million for the construction and reconstruction of
200,000 schools. Today, primary school enrollment is at about
90 percent, and secondary school and college enrollment rates
have risen.
In recent years, Mexico has strived to develop a robust economy while
investing in social welfare policies. Government spending for health
care increased from about
5.07 percent of GDP in 2000 to about 6.16 percent in 2011. In addition to providing health care services through the national Social Security Institute (mainly for
employed workers),
this spending has gone toward ensuring universal coverage through the
Seguro Popular policy initiative of 2003, which guarantees access to
health care for the uninsured. The country also allocated of
$5.3 billion in the last few years, to build, expand, or refurbish more than 2,750 medical units. Meanwhile,
access to essential medicines has increased:
in 2002, only 55 percent of drug prescriptions issued by government-run
outpatient clinics were completely filled, increasing to 79 percent in
The government has also continued to invest in education. As of 2010, its
education spending was 6.2 percent of GDP, higher than Brazil (5.6 percent) and Russia (4.9 percent). There are still problems --
75 percent of primary schools do not have computers or functioning libraries -- but the current administration has allocated an
additional $900 million to fixing those problems. Today, Mexico also has one of the highest primary school enrollment rates in the world (
99 percent of four-year-old children are enrolled in primary education), notwithstanding its struggles with high upper secondary school dropout rates.
Singapore has
minimized health-care expenditures over time,
from 5.1 percent of government spending in 2009 to 4.6 percent in 2011.
This reflects Singapore’s unique health-care system, which combines
government subsides for public health with compulsory corporate savings
accounts and individual savings accounts. Together, these programs have
protected individuals from catastrophic health-care expenses while
financing medical procedures and surgeries. The government continues to
invest in hospital infrastructure. Access to essential medicines has also increased, and life expectancy and other health-care indicators continue to rise.
Singapore has an outstanding track record when it comes to education.
Since 2007, it has increased education spending by approximately
40 percent,
from $7.5 billion in fiscal year 2007 to $10.5 billion in fiscal year
2012. Perhaps the biggest factor contributing to Singapore’s success is
the government’s dedication to investing in its teachers. It selects
pools of applicants from the top
university graduates
for entrance into the National Institute for Education and then
provides those who make it with free tuition, a monthly stipend, and a
guaranteed job upon graduation. The country continues to rank highly in
international academic assessments:
last year, it ranked second overall in the in the OECD’s 15-year-old
PISA math achievement tests and third in PISA reading comprehension
exams. All in all, Singapore has developed the skilled labor needed to
match its
thriving economy.
When comparing emerging economies, it is worthwhile to consider more
than just economic growth rates. The nations' capacity to develop
thriving welfare systems and ensure human development is also key. From
this perspective, it seems that Colombia, Mexico, and Singapore will
outperform even the BRICS. These non-BRICS nations have figured out that
sustaining high economic growth rates requires investing in people and,
unless the BRICS reach that conclusion as well, they will not do as
well as observers might expect.
In that sense, the welfare-focused nations of Colombia, Mexico, and
Singapore might make for better models than the BRICS for the rest of
the developing world. They are less interested in becoming global powers
and are, instead, focused on social welfare, something that other
smaller emerging economies, such as Ghana, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria,
Poland, and Thailand can certainly appreciate.