Sunday, May 19, 2013
Six ways to reduce your taxes
Winnipeg author Evelyn Jacks offers six essential tax facts.
Chris Young / The Canadian Press
There are some ways to reduce your tax bill.
In this excerpt from Essential Tax Facts by Winnipeg author Evelyn Jacks, she offers these six essential tax facts.
Have a tax-efficient plan: People who become wealthy follow a consistent, purposeful process for thinking about their earning and savings.
Cut withholding taxes: Employees should complete the TD1 Personal Tax Credit Return and its sister, Form T1213 Request to reduce tax deductions at source, to reduce withholding taxes or instalments to pay just right amount of tax all year long.
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Earn tax-free benefits: These include:
Manage debt: Use the time value of money to your advantage, not that of your creditors. That means reducing non-deductible debt and increasing savings opportunities.
Reduce management fees: Doing so can make up for the cost of inflation and tax erosion. Consult on which fees are tax deductible.
Average down your tax bite: Time withdrawals to minimize taxes and split income with family members where possible. That’s a great way to “average down” your tax bite, especially on retirement income.
Excerpted with permission from Evelyn Jacks’ Essential Tax Facts, ©2013 Evelyn Jacks Productions. The book is available from the Knowledge Bureau.
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